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Amalthea: a Database of Isotopic measurements on Archaeological and Forensic Tooth Dentine Increments

Amalthea is a global database of stable isotope measurements on tooth increments from archaeological and modern individuals spanning more than 7,000 years. The dataset includes c. 15,000 isotopic measurements from more than 700 individuals. In addition to isotopic data the database also includes information on the archaeological context and osteological features of recorded individuals. This database allows for the reconstruction of individual iso-biographies. In particular, the database allows for meta-studies on childhood diet, nutrition, and health across time and space. The database is a collaborative effort and will be regularly updated.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Existing DOI
Assigned DOI
Author Carlo Cocozza & Ricardo Fernandes
Author Email Carlo Cocozza & Ricardo Fernandes
Maintainer Carlo Cocozza
Maintainer Email Carlo Cocozza
Chronological range (min) 5600 BCE
Chronological range (max) 2020 CE
Spatial Box