CIMA: Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi
Данные и Ресурсы
CIMA Humans 29.05.2021XLSX
A single spreadsheet file consisting of columns representing different...
CIMA Animals 29.05.2021XLSX
A single spreadsheet file consisting of columns representing different...
CIMA Plants 29.05.2021XLSX
A single spreadsheet file consisting of columns representing different...
CIMA Bibliography 29.05.2021.docx
A bibliography of scientific publications consulted to compose CIMA.
CIMA Humans 29.05.2021 CSVCSV
CSV version file of the CIMA human dataset
CIMA Animals 29.05.2021 CSVCSV
CSV version file of the CIMA animal dataset
CIMA Plants 29.05.2021 CSVCSV
CSV version file of the CIMA plant dataset
CIMA ReSources model.rdata
Full R file model for human diets in the area of Rome in 200 CE, 500 CE, and...
Combined CIMA CSV 29.05.2021CSV
Combined Isotopic data for the three different compilations
Combined CIMA 29.05.2021XLSX
Combined Isotopic data for the three different compilations
Дополнительная информация
Поле | Величина |
Existing DOI | |
Assigned DOI | |
Версия | |
Автор | Carlo Cocozza & Ricardo Fernandes |
E-mail автора | Carlo Cocozza & Ricardo Fernandes |
Администратор | Carlo Cocozza |
E-mail администратора | Carlo Cocozza |
Chronological range (min) | 401 CE |
Chronological range (max) | 1500 CE |
Spatial Box |