68 массива найдено

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  • Amalthea: a Database of Isotopic measurements on Archaeological and Forensic...

    Amalthea is a global database of stable isotope measurements on tooth increments from archaeological and modern individuals spanning more than 7,000 years. The dataset includes...
  • RADON - Radiocarbon dates online

    The database is the part of the Journal for Neolithic Archaeology. Accordingly, the following citation should be used: Martin Hinz, Martin Furholt, Johannes Müller, Dirk...
  • SWVID: Stable Water Vapor Isotope datasets

    Hosted by Yale University and sponsored by the U. S. National Science Foundation, the Stable Water Vapor Isotope Database (SWVID) website archives high-frequency vapor isotope...
  • New Zealand Radicarbon Database

    The New Zealand Radiocarbon Database contains radiocarbon determinations and associated information for almost 3000 dates obtained from archaeological sites in this country over...
  • Database for European 14C dates for the Bronze and Early Iron Age

    Jutta Kneisel, Martin Hinz, Christoph Rinne based on the work of Martin Hinz, Jutta Kneisel, Nina Krischke, Johannes Müller, Christoph Rinne, Marcel Rodens, Helle Vandkilde...
  • Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database v28

    In this database we have collected the available radiometric data from literature and from other more restricted databases. We try to incorporate newly published chronometric...
  • ORAU database

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    Eastern European Radiocarbon Database (AGEAS) provides an outlet for archaeological radiometric data from eastern and northeastern Europe.
  • dIANA

    dIANA (Dietary Isotopic baseline for the Ancient North) is an open-access database for North(east) European animal and plant stable isotope values.
  • 14CARHU

    The 14CARHU (RadioCARbon Dates of Helsinki University) is an ultimate public and searchable database for the University of Helsinki radiocarbon data.
  • Northern Hemisphere Modern leaf wax δDn-alkane dataset

    Northern Hemisphere Modern leaf wax δDn-alkane database consists of 561 modern higher plants (213 species) sampled from 81 sites across the Northern Hemisphere. Further reading:...
  • LiVES isotopic database

    Database of human isotopic data for pre-historic Europe and Western Asia
  • Intramolecular 2H profiles

    Compartmentation of C4 photosynthetic biochemistry into bundle sheath (BS) and mesophyll (M) cells, and photorespiration in C3 plants is predicted to have hydrogen isotopic...
  • Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage Radiocarbon and stable isotope measurements

    The Radiocarbon dating laboratory of IRPA/KIK was founded in the 1960s. Initially dates were reported at more or less regular intervals in the journal Radiocarbon (Schreurs...
  • INTIMATE: WG1 Database

    There is no description for this dataset


    Τhis dataset created for a limited region of Southern Crete (area of ancient Inatos and Priansos) serves to model various relations between habitation, natural and resource...

    This dataset collects the Greek painted Geometric, Orientalizing pottery, and Attic production of Black-figure pottery with horse depiction. All equines (horses, mules,...
  • Tooth Formation Age Dataset for Early Childhood Bioarchaeological and Medical Studies

    A compilation of data from histological sources on the formation ages for human mandibular and maxillary permanent first molars, lateral and central incisors and canines....
  • BASE DE DATOS Iber-Crono

    Desde el 1 de Enero de 2016, una versión preliminar de la base de datos Crono-Iber estará disponible en Internet. Invitamos a todos aquellos investigadores e investigadoras que...
  • EPRG Jomon

    The Early Pottery Research database is hosted by the Early Pottery Research Group and contains carbon stable isotope data and molecular information derived from organic residue...
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