Selection of individual catacombs
The database of individual catacombs contains 14 categories. Each data entry has its ID via a unique identifier for each record given by the author (1 – 56). The region/city and... -
Bibliographical database
This database gathers information from bibliographical sources and offers a methodical framework for textual analysis. It organizes the data into 21 columns across five thematic... -
An archaeozoological dataset for Britannia
This repository contains dataset with numbers of identified fragments for domestic cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, dog, deer, hare, chicken and other species from archaeological... -
Vitis vinifera remains in the Old World (Asia, North Africa, Europe - up to...
Database collecting archaeobotanical remains of vitis vinifera. Includes countries in Asia, North Africa and Europe, from the Paeolithic to the Middle Ages. This is part of a... -
An open-access, international dataset of dental wear patterns and associated broad age stages in archaeological and modern cattle mandibles. -
Collagen to collagen prey-predator TDF in Late Pleistocene cave hyena
Supplementary information for the Paper "Collagen to collagen prey-predator trophic discrimination factors (Δ13C, Δ15N) in Late Pleistocene cave hyena – a case study of a bone-... -
An archaeozoological dataset for the Netherlands
An archaeozoological dataset containing numbers of identified fragments for domestic cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse from archaeological sites in the Netherlands dating from... -
Literature on Bavarian archaeobotany
Published results of archaeobotanical investigations in the region of Bavaria -
Archaeobotany videos
Videos tutorials on archaeobotany -
Vitis vinifera seeds in Eastern Mediterranean (up to the 7th c. CE)
It is a pilot database collecting wine seed finds in the eastern Mediterranean, with a focus on Egeida, from the Mesolithic to the early Middle Ages. This is part of the... -
Pig measurements dataset
This dataset includes selected pig measurements from the sites in Greece, western Anatolia, Crete, and Cyprus. See references for further information on each site. -
MeosRAD v1.4: Lowland Maya Radiocarbon Dates
The Mesoamerican Radiocarbon Database (MesoRAD) compiles radiocarbon dates from the archaeological literature of Mesoamerica. This is the inaugural data set published in JOAD.... -
Link to MesoRad Repository on tDAR
The Mesoamerican Radiocarbon (MesoRAD) database compiles radiocarbon dates and isotopic data from archaeological sites in across Mesoamerica. The initial dataset from MesoRAD is... -
There is no description for this dataset
This dataset holds files for ReSources -
RADON - Radiocarbon dates online
The database is the part of the Journal for Neolithic Archaeology. Accordingly, the following citation should be used: Martin Hinz, Martin Furholt, Johannes Müller, Dirk... -
SWVID: Stable Water Vapor Isotope datasets
Hosted by Yale University and sponsored by the U. S. National Science Foundation, the Stable Water Vapor Isotope Database (SWVID) website archives high-frequency vapor isotope... -
New Zealand Radicarbon Database
The New Zealand Radiocarbon Database contains radiocarbon determinations and associated information for almost 3000 dates obtained from archaeological sites in this country over... -
Database for European 14C dates for the Bronze and Early Iron Age
Jutta Kneisel, Martin Hinz, Christoph Rinne based on the work of Martin Hinz, Jutta Kneisel, Nina Krischke, Johannes Müller, Christoph Rinne, Marcel Rodens, Helle Vandkilde... -
Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database v28
In this database we have collected the available radiometric data from literature and from other more restricted databases. We try to incorporate newly published chronometric...
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