The database of individual catacombs contains 14 categories.
Each data entry has its ID via a unique identifier for each record given by the author (1 – 56).
The region/city and country where the individual catacomb is placed are provided. Each catacomb location's coordinates are provided in decimal format for latitude (LATITUDE) and longitude (LONGITUDE). Excavators do not report exact coordinates; approximate coordinates from Google Maps are used.
CONSTRUCTION MIN/MAX: Chronology for each catacomb is given in two numeric fields - the minimum and maximum for the date range. For easier work with data, there is a vaguely expressed chronology from the source adjusted as listed above to the numerical record. These are reported as positive CE and negative BCE values.
UNDERGROUND: Information on whether or not catacombs are subterranean structures. If yes, the character P (positive) is typed; if not, the character N (negative) is typed.
BURIAL PLACE: Information on whether or not it is the catacomb burial place. If yes, then the character P (positive) is typed; if not, then the character N (negative) is typed.
BURIAL RITUS: Information on whether the burial places were used for inhumation (I) or cremation (C).
TYPE OF BURIAL indicates whether the catacomb is utilized for individual, family/household, kin, or collective burials.
BURIAL HUMAN/ANIMAL: Information on whether the burial places were used for humans (H) or animals (A).
RELIGION: If there is a relation with Christianity, the character CH is typed; if with Judaism, the character J; if with Paganism, the character P. When multiple religions refer to the same catacomb, they are entered into the same data cell and separated using semicolons. The field remains empty in the absence of information.