DATAMESOP: Dataset on inorganic stAble isoTope meAsurement (strontiuM, oxygen and carbon) on archaEological and non-archaeological materialS frOm arabic Peninsula and Iran

DATAMESOP is one of the first bioarchaeological datasets for ancient Mesopotamia, which compiles stable strontium, carbon, and oxygen isotope measurements from both archaeological (human and animal remains and plant and soil samples) and non-archaeological sources (surface rocks, soil, dust, water, and rainwater) in the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, part of the Levant, and part of Anatolia. Isotopic values were recorded alongside comprehensive supporting information: Archaeological Information: the specific toponymy of the site, the archaeological phase, associated material culture, and information on social aspects, when available. Biological Data: for humans, these included the sex determination, the estimation of age at death, while for other types of samples they included taxonomic classifications or type of environment. Instrumental Information: Technical details, including the type of instrument used for measurements, its version, any correction calculations, and the standard values applied during the analysis. All the values presented in the compilation were standardised to commonly accepted references: VPDB for δ13C and δ18O and NBS987 for 87Sr/86Sr, with corrections applied to the NBS987 value (0.710250) when necessary.

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Версия 1.0
Автор Matteo Giaccari, Licia Romano, Mary Anne Tafuri
E-mail автора Matteo Giaccari, Licia Romano, Mary Anne Tafuri
Администратор Matteo Giaccari
E-mail администратора Matteo Giaccari
Chronological range (min) 15000
Chronological range (max) 0
Spatial Box 23, 34.4, 39.6737606, 60.641080