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On 18:04:10 UTC do 3 de agosto de 2021, Gravatar Ricardo Fernandes:
  • Renamed resource /gl/dataset/bb13b2d8-5349-49cd-96a5-bd0b6a675cc5/resource/bdb74a4c-aed1-46b7-b28f-7148e0fcdaef?activity_id=b4e2525d-cedd-4495-b8e7-2c23cb4828a1 to CARD 2.0 in CARD 2.0

  • Updated description of resource CARD 2.0 in CARD 2.0 to

    PLEASE NOTE: Several Indigenous communities in North America have informed us that CARD contains data from ancestors and their burials that were collected without permission and in violation of their policies. We have removed all 1702 dates associated with ancestral remains from the database. We are working with our Indigenous partners to find a solution. We will keep you posted. Please get in touch if you have questions. - Andrew Martindale A QUERY A CARD user asks what the recommended isotopic fractionation estimate should be for freshwater shells. Some CARD data use an estimate of -7 or -8 delta 13C, but we are unsure where this estimate comes from or if it is accurate. Please send a note if you have guidance to andrew.martindale(at) Thanks, Andrew