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RADON - Radiocarbon dates online [Draft]

The database is the part of the Journal for Neolithic Archaeology. Accordingly, the following citation should be used: Martin Hinz, Martin Furholt, Johannes Müller, Dirk Raetzel-Fabian, Christoph Rinne, Karl-Göran Sjögren, Hans-Peter Wotzka, RADON - Radiocarbon dates online 2012. Central European database of 14C dates for the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age., 2012, 1-4.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Existing DOI
Assigned DOI
Author Martin Hinz, Christoph Rinne
Author Email Martin Hinz, Christoph Rinne
Maintainer Email
Chronological range (min)
Chronological range (max)
Spatial Box