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Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database v28 [Draft]

In this database we have collected the available radiometric data from literature and from other more restricted databases. We try to incorporate newly published chronometric dates collected from all kind of available publications. See list of journals inspected in downloadable file "inspected-journals.xlsx". For colleagues mainly interested in a list of all chronometric dates an excel list (with no details) is available: (Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database v28 Jun 2021 extract.xlsx). An even more restricted file with dates only is also available (Radiometric dates v28.xlsx). A file, containing all sites with known coordinates, can be opened for immediate use in Google Earth is the *.kmz file "RPED v28 Jun 2021.kmz". It will give you the possibility to introduce (by file open) in Google Earth the whole site list in "My Places".

The database can be consulted in open access at following site: Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database v28 at following URL address:

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Existing DOI
Assigned DOI
Author Email
Maintainer Email
Chronological range (min)
Chronological range (max)
Spatial Box