14SEA is 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC)....
1 Пакет данных Просмотр 14SEA -
It is a space for collecting data targeted to horse evolution, horse...
4 Пакеты данных Просмотр ABRAXAS -
AENEAS: a bioarchAEological data commuNity for GrEco-RomAn claSsical antiquity
This repository hosts osteological and biomolecular data generated from the...
1 Пакет данных Просмотр AENEAS: a bioarchAEological data commuNity for GrEco-RomAn claSsical antiquity -
AfriArch is an archaeological and paleoenvironmental database data community...
3 Пакеты данных Просмотр AfriArch -
Andean Isotope Repository
0 Пакеты данных Просмотр AIR -
ARCHIPELAGO is an integrated archaeological and historical database of land...
1 Пакет данных Просмотр ARCHIPELAGO -
ArtEmpire: An ARTery of EMPIRE. Conquest, Commerce, Crisis, Culture and the...
0 Пакеты данных Просмотр ArtEmpire -
AustArch: a radiocarbon database for Australia The AustArch dataset consists...
1 Пакет данных Просмотр AustArch -
Bavarian archaeobotany
A repository of Bavarian archaeobotanical data and general introduction...
2 Пакеты данных Просмотр Bavarian archaeobotany -
Bone & tooth diagenesis
Bone & tooth diagenesis is a data community that collects scientific data...
2 Пакеты данных Просмотр Bone & tooth diagenesis -
Bubona is an international dataset of dental wear patterns and associated...
1 Пакет данных Просмотр Bubona -
CAMBIO: Caribbean & Mesoamerica Biogeochemical Isotope Overview
CAMBIO collects isotopic data from archaeological sites across Mesoamerica...
1 Пакет данных Просмотр CAMBIO: Caribbean & Mesoamerica Biogeochemical Isotope Overview -
CARD: Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database
CARD is a global database of +50,000 14C dates from archaeological,...
1 Пакет данных Просмотр CARD: Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database -
This community represents a collection of information about catacombs, their...
2 Пакеты данных Просмотр CataCITE -
Collection of European Mesolithic and Paleolithic stable Isotopic data of...
2 Пакеты данных Просмотр CEMP SITE -
Central Asia data community
0 Пакеты данных Просмотр Central Asia data community -
CHIMERA: pleistoCene nortH amerIcan MEgafauna Radiocarbon dAtabase
A radiocarbon database of North American megafauna
0 Пакеты данных Просмотр CHIMERA: pleistoCene nortH amerIcan MEgafauna Radiocarbon dAtabase -
Chinese Isobioarchaeological database
0 Пакеты данных Просмотр Chinese Isobioarchaeological database -
Collaborative Research Centre 806-D4: Our Way To Europe
The cultural-environmental context of the spread of anatomically modern...
1 Пакет данных Просмотр Collaborative Research Centre 806-D4: Our Way To Europe -
1 Пакет данных Просмотр DATAMESOP