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CAMBIO Human Isotopic Dataset

The dataset contains bioarchaeological isotopic measurements from Caribbean, Central American, and Mesoamerican archaeological sites dating to the Holocene.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Existing DOI
Assigned DOI
Author Claire Ebert, Sean Hixon, Gina Buckley, Richard George, Sofía Pacheco-Forés, Juan Manuel Palomo, Ashley Sharpe, Óscar Solís-Torres, Douglas Kennett, Ricardo Fernandes
Author Email Claire Ebert, Sean Hixon, Gina Buckley, Richard George, Sofía Pacheco-Forés, Juan Manuel Palomo, Ashley Sharpe, Óscar Solís-Torres, Douglas Kennett, Ricardo Fernandes
Maintainer Claire Ebert
Maintainer Email Claire Ebert
Chronological range (min) -8000
Chronological range (max) 2000
Spatial Box 7.2, -108.1, 30.4, -59.5