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An archaeozoological dataset for the Netherlands

An archaeozoological dataset containing numbers of identified fragments for domestic cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse from archaeological sites in the Netherlands dating from the Bronze Age to the Early Medieval period (2000 BC – AD 1050). In addition to fragment numbers per species, the dataset contains predefined categories such as time period and site type, absolute date and coordinates for each site. Data were collected from published and unpublished reports. The dataset forms an addition to Boneinfo (, a database maintained by the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency, which contains information on archaeozoological assemblages from the Netherlands, but does not include the numbers of fragments per species.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Existing DOI
Assigned DOI
Author Maaike Groot
Author Email Maaike Groot
Maintainer Maaike Groot
Maintainer Email Maaike Groot
Chronological range (min) -2000
Chronological range (max) 1050
Spatial Box